Our news about coronavirus

Dear relation,

In view of the rising uncertainty regarding the Coronavirus situation in Europe and across the world, we would like to update you of the actions the KS-Group is undertaking.

As our priority must be to protect our people and customers and suppliers in the best way, we focus on ensuring the safety and health of our staff and other people coming into contact with our plants.

By protecting our people we strive to ensure the production and supply of our products.

For this reason we have taken numerous measures to prevent the spread of the virus amongst our people and subcontractors and/or transporters.

We follow the situation on daily bases and will take new and additional actions if necessary.

Regarding Production, Supply and Transportation :

Production is still continuously producing and logistics supplying according to your planning without any other message from your side we will supply accordingly.

If you need any support please don’t hesitate to contact your account manager or project manager as they are more than willing to offer solutions.

Might the situation change rapidly, we will inform you at the same instant.

Furthermore it is important to know that new orders are gladly accepted with the request to send orders as early as possible to ensure timely delivery.

We hope that you and your loved ones stay in good health and to meet you again in better times, thank you for your support and understanding through this unprecedented crisis.

Louis A. Raucamp

CCO KS Profiel B.V.